WELCOME & the big WHY

Why even try to start yet another (online based) community and blog – with so much content and text and communication and confusion out there in the world and the World Wide Web? Why and how would we want to catch your attention when there’s so much to process every minute of the day, to think and feel about, happy or unhappy or anything in between and beyond?

We love to ask questions big and small, and maybe (together) we can find and give some answers – on how to live more kindly, to hate and have less, to love more in a world and society in transition. At least, this is what we hope is true: that we are growing in new directions and unknown ways and heights, with new ideas and intentions. That the old stories of economic growth are slowly being replaced – by utopias and real life stories of another kind of growth, a kinder way of growing towards a brighter future, in a world not only warmer because of climate crisis, human and planetary burn-out, but warmer in a good way: fuelled by love and kindness.

We want to share simple techniques to stay calm and kind in a rapidly changing world, stories of hope, ideas and dreams and ways to maybe make them come true, sometime soon. As we don’t think we’re the selected few who can come up with all the answers – even though we’ve collected some experiences on how to live more kindly while still being imperfect humans – one of our dreams is to connect (with) other lovelies out there who want to join our journey and make a difference, become conscious creators of something bigger and better.

Starting anything in a sustainable way might mean moving forward in baby steps: three minutes of meditation or breathing exercises in the evening, a short walk or yoga practice in the morning, a kind word to a neighbour, a love letter written by hand, a new habit of journaling or painting or just staying hydrated to keep a cool head in this weird world, tiny lifestyle changes towards more happiness, health and sustainability – or maybe we grow into giants all of a sudden, individually and as a group, rewriting history, changing climate change and human imperfection – who knows, and who would not want to be a part of this? 🙂

(In case you wonder: We are writing and publishing in both English and German – translations might be provided at some point.)






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